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    Under the new normal, refractory corner overtaking


    Green smelting clean steel, iron and steel industry and the requirements of energy conservation and emissions reduction, put forward higher requirements on refractory industry. In recent years, the performance and application of refractory materials are present characteristics, the characteristics of diversification and intensification, efficiency, and low consumption. Facing the challenge of economy under the new normal, fire-proof material production enterprises to grasp the opportunity and realize the transformation and upgrading.
    Development of economical refractory raw materials. At present, the refractory raw materials and industrial chain related refractory industry, iron and steel industry is in a downturn, low bid to become the direction of supply chain relationship. At the same time, some high quality natural mineral raw materials, such as high bauxite dried up, and in ore grade quality fluctuations increase, by high-grade raw materials to improve performance, cheap raw material cost reduction technology configuration line gradually come to an end. Guided by the orientation, cheap, economical refractory raw materials and products will become a big trend.
    Economical refractory materials, such as the use of natural raw materials, light under-burnt clinker, reworked material, to a certain extent will reduce the energy consumption of the refractory material. And in the face of the high grade ore is dried up, the status quo of low grade ore has increasingly become the main raw material source, must be rethinking raw materials and products indicators of scientific nature, rationality and adaptability, optimize the distribution of raw materials, to make it better cost performance. Should consider the appropriate to reduce some of the melt erosion and erosion of the high aluminum refractory used A12O3 content and bulk density, ease for some aluminium siliceous refractory materials used for the low temperature part of the requirements of the impurity content.
    Diversification of refractory materials. Raw materials, form and characteristics of diversity. From two phase composite materials development to the synthesis of multiphase composite materials, not only should consider to balance its comprehensive performance, and to take into account the functionally gradient material, strengthening their surface treatment, is more advantageous to the difference of the internal and external components design, actualizing the interface reaction in situ formation of the positive effect.
    Major downstream industries of refractory are serious overcapacity industries, the supply and demand contradiction is very outstanding. In recent years, the main downstream industry capacity utilization are at about 75%, some industries may be lower. Current appear a series of new features: iron and steel industry overcapacity, profitability decline, environmental resource constraints, transformation and upgrading is facing more challenges, etc. Although the steady growth policy effect is gradually revealed, but has not yet been fully to steel industry, steel market to reverse the downward trend, sharp contractions supply side, the need to rely on steel plant material production maintenance.
    The present economic new normal shift after the high economic growth period. New normal first performance for the economic growth is slowing, at the same time, including the quality of economic growth. The new normal effect on refractory industry will be far-reaching and long-term.
    Refractory industry came under pressure from the three aspects: one is the result of excess capacity market oversupply and disorderly competition, refractory products and operating quality long-term decline in operating pressure on prices, it is difficult to change in a short time. The second is the enterprise own capital shortage, payment receivable is difficult to recycle, the real interest rate rise of bank lending financial cost is too high and the lack of liquidity pressure. 3 it is environmental protection into more debt, environmental cost will be increasing pressure.
    For refractories enterprises, economy is the new normal pressure, is a challenge, but also opportunity. Refractory industry should seize the opportunity, speed up structural adjustment, improve the ability of technological innovation and improve the industrial concentration, enhance the competitive ability in the industry as a whole.
    One is actively seize the joint reorganization of enterprises policy environment optimization of new opportunities, improve industrial concentration. Refractory enterprises especially the advantage to seize the market allocation of resources to the advantage of enterprise optimize focus and joint restructuring policy environment of favorable opportunity, promote the joint in the cross-regional, cross ownership restructuring, expand the restructuring, improve production concentration.
    Two it is to hold scale efficiency to the innovation efficiency of new opportunities. Recent dozen years, fire-proof material production, production capacity is expanded year by year, the result is overcapacity, market disorder, low efficiency, operation quality is low. Production enterprises to increase investment in scientific research, therefore, integrate research resources, strengthen cooperation with scientific research units and colleges and universities of technology research and development, thus forming the integration of production, use mode of technology innovation, improve the independent innovation ability of enterprises, efforts to achieve the scale efficiency to the innovation efficiency and product quality.
    Three is to seize the product demand structure change of new opportunities. Fire-proof material production enterprise to understand deeply the impact of the new normal and opportunities, follow the market demand change, actively expand new areas of refractories market, constantly meet new refractories market demands.
    Refractory quality depends on its properties and performance, the properties of the refractory is a reflection of the quality performance. The properties of refractory materials can be used as identification to evaluate the quality of the refractory material standards; Can be formulated in the process of production, inspection, improve the production process parameters according to; Is a reasonable choice of refractory.



    West of Industrial Park, Jiawang District, Xuzhou









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